Saturday, January 28, 2006

"I would expect you to kill me, mom. You don't take chances with the undead. Duh."

How does one approach the diffucult subject of zombie bites? Imagine, if you will: It's day 13 of the zombie pandemic. In a desperate bid to get sustenance, your group made a trip to the grocery store for supplies. You all probably made it back, except for the jerk if you had one (the jerk always dies). But, inevitably, someone got bit. You immediately took revenge on their behalf and seperated the zombie's brainpan from it's skull, but still, your friend was bitten. You know it's only a matter of time before they turn. What do you do? Do you say, sorry and shoot them right there? Do you take them back to the hideout and wait till they turn to kill them? Or do you do something else?

Now consider the situation from the perspective of the bitten person. One of the few parts of Land of the Dead that I liked was when one of the characters was bitten and decided to "see how the other side lives." My personal choice as a biten person would be to take out a bunch of zombies with me in a terrific explosion and afford my companions an otherwise impossible escape.

As usual I have a link: I found this heart-warming story about an obsesive two year old that posed the question to his mom. She said she'd wait until he was an undead monster to dispatch him. His response: "I would expect you to kill me, mom. You don't take chances with the undead. Duh."

What would you do?
Next time: Freak Photo Friday!